In a previous post I highlighted Empire Avenue missions, and defined Empire Avenue as such:
Empire Avenue is an online "stock market" used by other businesses and more importantly, social media experts. To play the game you basically buy and sell other players stock and complete "Missions" to gain additional "eaves" (the virtual currency used in EA). At this point you may be asking yourself what this has to do with advertising and promoting your business. Simple... you create missions to reward other players (using the virtual currency "eaves") for promoting your business. Others promote your business, the very epitome of "social media" and social proof.
Empire Avenue themselves define Empire Avenue:
The Empire Avenue Social Market is a fun game built around social media using virtual currency. Individuals and Businesses can use the game to “invest” their currency in other profiles and create a connected Portfolio of profiles that span multiple networks from Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr and more. The more people you invest in and the more you invest in each person, the deeper your connections. The following is what you can accomplish by playing the Social Market game on Empire Avenue:
So if you're getting the point of what Empire Avenue is, what happens when the users of Empire Avenue decide to kick it into high gear? You get [X]PendaPalooza
Years ago Ron Heigh (e)PWND and John Gushue (e)JOHNGUSHUE formed the 1st [X]Pendapalooza along with collaboration from (e)ADRIEL, (e)EDUPRENEUR (e)REIGN, (e)BEN, (e)ALLIE, (e)CLATKO (e)FEEDTHEWORLD and (e)NORTHLANDFOX. The first one was held in May 2011.
Cost: Nothing
You don't have to buy anything, you don't have to buy other players.
Ways to get eaves to play: You will need eaves to buy other players if you so choose. During the event, expect many missions to be promoted giving you eaves to spend for completing the mission (see missions).
Expected outcome: [X]Pendapalooza connects the social media expert, the business owner, the average and the great at what they do to form a collective and effective networking opportunity.
If you play and invest in others you will see your stock value and bank balance rise. That's an absolute. And this gives you more eaves, the virtual currency used on Empire Avenue, to fund more missions, to buy other players or to purchase upgrades.
[X]PendaPalooza 14
[X]PendaPalooza 14
Empire Avenue is wonderful anytime, but this weekend is extra amazing!!