[X]PendaPalooza Results Are In

[X]PendaPalooza, the Empire Avenue buy-a-thon designed to boots the Empire Avenue brand and shareholders value can have dramatic results on players stock prices.

The [X]PendaPalooza 14, which ran April 25-27, 2014 attracted over 1,000 participants according to Omar Habayeb (e)EDUPRENEUR.

The players in the recently concluded event included brand new Empire Avenue "newbies" along with highly-established "old-timers" and a wide range of folks in between.

Overall a sampling of 13 players after the event shows an overall stock price increase of 6.86%.  The sampled participants did include a cross-section representative of the overall makeup of Empire Avenue players.

Share Prices

Change Percentage

James Meyer (e)JAMESMEYER 15.76 3.52%

Kita Champion (e)KITA 27.79 2.55%

Lynn O'Connell (e)OMDIRECT 25.78 4.39%

Bret Bumeter (e)BRETTBUM 6.57 2.75%

Omar Habayeb (e)EDUPRENEUR 43.99 12.57%

Road2Social (e)ERINBOYKIN 27.54 46.99%

Dennis Coble (e)DENNISCOBLE 24.16 3.56%

John Jeckmans (e)JECKMANS 26.81 10.90%

James Campbell (e)CHAOSCAT 13.82 6.52%

Martin Hojbjerg (e)ZOSARIA 19.23 4.33%

Matthew Weber (e)THEREALMATT 45.64 26.44%

Thor Henning Heland (e)TOTTO 34.91 40.52%

Web Tools Wiki (e)WEBTOOLSWIKI 17.35 9.25%


Empire Avenue [X]PendaPalooze events are a great way to buy and sell stock in other players, building the value of your portfolio.

Hope you catch up to me on Empire Avenue at https://www.empireavenue.com?srefid=5097ce39751518.05821121

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